Ocf:Who We Are

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This page is a work in progress, so check back from time to time to see if there are changes, or get involved and voice your opinion in the Discussion page (see the link above the title).

The Open Community Foundation is a group of people who have their work cut out for them.

We are an eclectic group from all over the world, every walk of life, and even varied political ideologies, that all agree on a few simple principles.

  1. We want to make the world a better place.
  2. Freedom and Liberty are needs for all people, not just those who can afford them.
  3. We want to change the world, or at least some small part of it.
  4. Transparency is valuable, and we will document everything along the way.

As we gather, and communicate, and discuss, we will further define who we are, and what our guiding principles will be.