From Open Community Foundation
This page will act as a hub for currently active projects.
All of these are in need of proper names. Once a better name is chosen, the pages will be moved to the new name, and the links updated.
- A social media based news site. Let people report on what they have seen, and what they have read. Sure, a lot of it will likely end up being rehashes of what is going on in the media as a whole, but sometimes it is important to simply reword things to make it more understandable and occasionally cut through the BS.
- A website that is divided up by state and then city/county to let people track, in a sort of social media sort of way, where to find the cheapest groceries in their area. The concept of state can also apply just as easily to territories, prefectures, etc.
- One of our first In Wiki projects. We will put together information on building a community in the real world.